For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a strong believer in God, and I attribute my estancia in CODENI to him. After all, life leads us where we need to be.
I entered college by chance. When I decided to apply it was already April and there were not many options left. “I fell” into the ITESO. In the first days, I attended a presentation of different options where students could volunteer through the ITESO. I thought maybe I’d find something there that interested me or that I could find a way to go to the Sierra Tarahumara, something that has always been a dream of mine. A trip to the Sierra was not meant to happen at this point in my life. I watched the presentations of different volunteer opportunities, but none called my attention, until I saw one that was focused on education (something I’m passionate about): it was CODENI.
At first, I was really scared, because I didn’t know how the children would respond to me. I didn’t know if they’d like me. But we can’t be guided by fear and need to approach new experiences with a smile.
Nine months have passed, and since then, I’ve enjoyed CODENI one Monday after the next. If it were possible, I’d write several pages about my experiences with the kids in Casa CODENI, my random encounters with them in the nearby park, their heart-warming smiles, and when they share stories about their daily lives, some of which break my heart and others that leave me cracking up.
How could I ever forget their little faces? (At the moment I’m imagining them) Perhaps I forget their names at times, or I mix one of them up with another, but seriously, I really care about them now, more than I can express in words.
“Maira, maira!” how sweet it sounds coming from them. And the thing is that it’s not just about going to help them with their homework, or the workshops, or to play with them. For me it has turned into an experience of growing together. I feel like a part of their lives y they are a part of mine.
When I speak about them, a smile automatically appears on my face; whatever may be bothering me on a given Monday, is immediately forgotten when I’m with them. I know that for the time being, I couldn’t imagine my life without CODENI.
Samaria Alonso Orozco
2nd Semester student in International Relations at the ITESO University
Volunteer in Círculo CODENI
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