"MAIROS* DON BOSCO" FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Our children in CODENI participated in our “Mairos” Don Bosco Football Tournament, a combined team of children and adolescents. The junior category won the runner-up. They faced team of shelter Los Pinos with a score of 4 to 3. These boys showed great enthusiasm and motivation to play and win. This gives us great satisfaction as we are part of these enriching experiences for their socialization and by promoting positive activities for their growth. * ‘Mairo/a’ is the common name for street educators in Guadalajara, and it means a blend between teacher, counselor, and friend.
TRADITIONAL STREET POSADA FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE STARTING THEIR PROCESS IN CODENI For our holiday celebrations this month, the CODENI Children’s Rights Collective organized a posada in Plaza Liberacion for children who are starting their involvement in CODENI. Students from TEC de Monterrey in Guadalajara and Jalisco’s DIF system (Integral Family Development), provided great support with donations of gifts and backpacks to our children. Around thirty children and some of their parents participated in this event with ludic activities and the traditional delivery of toys.
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