Monday, January 24, 2011


COMPUTER WORKSHOPS One of the most enjoyable activities for members of CODENI Children’s Rights last semester was the Computer Workshop.As a fundamental part of the program in the Workshop’s area was our Computer Workshop to children and adolescents in at Casa CODENI. Thanks to the donation from the Rotary Foundation within the project "Humanitarian Grants Program" the Rotary Foundation provided us with twelve computers for our workshop. More than fifty-nine students learned basic computer skills (i.e. Word and Power Point) Additionally, students had typing lessons, which aid our children in their writing skills. Our Computer Workshop has been very well accepted among our children. So much that since students returned from vacation, they ask nothing but the day in which next workshop will start. CODENI members enjoy great benefit because this equipment, the skills they learn, and the internet service here help in their school homework, for which they also have training for its correct use.


"MAIROS* DON BOSCO" FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Our children in CODENI participated in our “Mairos” Don Bosco Football Tournament, a combined team of children and adolescents. The junior category won the runner-up. They faced team of shelter Los Pinos with a score of 4 to 3. These boys showed great enthusiasm and motivation to play and win. This gives us great satisfaction as we are part of these enriching experiences for their socialization and by promoting positive activities for their growth. * ‘Mairo/a’ is the common name for street educators in Guadalajara, and it means a blend between teacher, counselor, and friend.

TRADITIONAL STREET POSADA FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE STARTING THEIR PROCESS IN CODENI For our holiday celebrations this month, the CODENI Children’s Rights Collective organized a posada in Plaza Liberacion for children who are starting their involvement in CODENI. Students from TEC de Monterrey in Guadalajara and Jalisco’s DIF system (Integral Family Development), provided great support with donations of gifts and backpacks to our children. Around thirty children and some of their parents participated in this event with ludic activities and the traditional delivery of toys.



On Saturday November 20, 2010 we celebrated the 21st anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child with a Festival. The event was possible with the collaboration of various institutions who offered workshops focusing on children's rights.The design of these workshops provides fun in an educational manner, which makes our girls and boys interested and participative. In between workshops, our guest artists Lalo Lelo & Lola entertained the crowd. For the closing ceremony of this event we enjoyed of a theater performance by La Cucaracha, who presented a play focusing on rescuing rights and indigenous origins.


Also during November, we had our Mini-Olympic Games– an inter-institutional event organized by CODENI. We realized this event in Club DESPEJA of the Secretariat of Public Security. Along with CODENI, five institutions participated. Football tournaments for children and youth (male and female), sprinting, and our rally for all ages are those that had greater affluence. This was an event of healthy competition and fun.

We are deeply thankful to institutions and volunteers who work with us to organize events like this one, as a sum of efforts to the benefit of the health and education of our children. This would not be possible without your support. Among the institutions supporting us, were the Crime Prevention, who helped with the facilities and refreshments; DIF Guadalajara provided the balls and cones; Sports Development donated balls, medals, and trophies, as well as the podium; SISTECOZOME helped us with transportation. Our volunteers also supported in the various disciplines of the event. With our mutual solidarity, we lead towards more benefits and alternatives when we join the same cause to help our vulnerable children, providing them with a space for healthy entertainment.


Our bi-monthly trip for outstanding children was another event in which various civic associations joined efforts. These are children who strive and show interest in their own learning and development. Six profit organizations accompanied CODENI in the hosting at the invitation of the foundation “Vamos al Cine”.
Our boys and girls were highly excited, especially those many who had never been in the movies before. Everyone enjoyed the movie Sami in the secret passage.



We had a hang-out for this month to IMSS theater, where we were spectators of the play "Stories to Keep You Awake." The invitation was open for all three levels of participation in CODENI. Our boys and girls enjoyed it very much, since this is not an activity to which they assist frequently. Parents, just like our boys and girls, enjoyed the show, they were interested and had fun.