Friday, April 16, 2010


Since November CODENI has been working with children to improve reading and writing skills and improve their academic rendition. The vast majority of CODENI parents are alliterate and thus unable to help promote reading and writing with their children. Here are some of the responses we've received from the first generation to participate in this workshop:

"Thoroughout the entire workshop I've enjoyed everything-there's nothing I haven't liked. It's been a little tough, because I'm forced to do things I'm not used to like saying tongue twisters and read out loud...but now I really like reading!
-Martha Susana, age 13
"In the workshop I've learned to read better and faster. I'm no longer embarrassed to read aloud in school. It used to be really difficult and I'd stutter a lot, but not anymore. I'm also learning how to summarize what I read. I used to just copy the beginning and without considering if it was really important..."
-Miguel Angel, age 12
"When I started the workshop, I didn't Know what it was all about. The first day we introdeced ourselves and did fun activities to learn how to listen. The next class we learned tongue twisters and I was the best of all...We've done a lot of fun exercises and I enjoy the workshop. It's also important because it helps us in school"
-Gerardo, age 12
"Since I've been coming to the workshop I've learned losts of things, like how to read out loud without stuttering so much, how to solve riddles and understand stories...I never would have done this on my own at home because I was always too lazy to read"
-Javier, age 12

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