This past semester we began a new activity in CODENI,
which our children and teens decided to call “Club CODENI.” At the end of each
month, educators get together with the children and adolescents to whom they
are assigned to reflect on a specific topic. The objective of this new activity
is to strengthen relationships between educators and youth, and develop a sense
of belonging and identity within the CODENI community.
The sessions have focused on topics such as the
importance of self-confidence to reach one’s goals, the right to be treated
well and the right to education. Different rights have been addressed with a
series of stories published by the National Council to Prevent Discrimination
(CONAPRED) called “Kipalta”. The stories’ main character is a little girl who
sells candy and does not go to school. CODENI youth have been able to relate to
the stories and have generated interesting reflections regarding the rights of
children in street situations.
In June’s session of Club CODENI we evaluated this new
space. The children and adolescents said they enjoy the club because it allows
them to share feelings and ideas on a more personal level and that they have
more confidence with their educators. They proposed more regular sessions for
the club and the opportunity to spend time with educators outside of Casa