Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Story in the Boston Globe

Photo by Kevin Kovaleski

Read and view photographs here in the Boston Globe about a CODENI family that Kevin Kovaleski worked with during his week participating in the Truth With a Camera Workshop

Friday, April 10, 2009

Trip to the Beach

From the 6 to the 8 of March a group of 52 children and adolescents went to the beach as a reward for being outstanding students and having the best behaviour in CODENI. All of this was made possible with the generous support of VECTRA.
The VECTRA GROUP arrived in Guadalajara a few days beforehand in order to live with all the members of CODENI and from there everyone left for the beach together.
For many it was the first time they had been to the ocean and the beach. It was a wonderful experience for all who went.
VECTRA participated with everyone and involved themselves in each activity that was held. During the trip they organized games on the beach and in the pool, even soccer matches.
The teachers were in different areas looking after the participants and enjoying the excellent surroundings provided by the facilities.
Thank you to teachers Rosario, Myriam, Danielle, Ulises y Tomas for their help on this trip.
Thank you to VECTRA for the opportunity for the 52 children and adolescents to participate in this trip.
Thank you to the mothers Ángela, Maura, Rosa, Gloria y Susana for their help on the trip and for the opportunity to enjoy the experience at the beach for a few days.

Monday, March 23, 2009


We have moved in!
During the last working week CODENI moved all its offices to a new house. It took 2 days of hard work by educators and some families who are CODENI beneficiaries who helped us move.
Bookshelves, books, papers, clothes and games to name a few were loaded and unloaded onto the Director, Danielle´s truck. It is important to emphasize that the emotion made our work so much easier. The emotion of understanding that this year is the year where our efforts have been rewarded with the purchase of this physical space. This year, we must work hard in order to finalize the total purchase of the property which will benefit the street children and adolescents, as this will be their space.
We have already begun working; we now have the necessary basic furniture in order to carry out sessions of academic assistance, regularization, literacy and workshops. We also have consultation rooms for therapy and counseling. Finally our offices are together under one roof which will improve the efficiency of our work. We continue to work day after day in order to raise the necessary funds to furnish and finalize the purchase of our new space.
Thus we are growing and convinced that this year CASA CODENI will be completed.


As part of the commencement of activities for 2009, last month in January we held an excursion to Parque Metropolitano.
Maira Ivette and Maira Coco organized this event and were accompanied by mothers of the beneficiaries. In Maira Coco's own words “it was an intense experience”. On a normal Saturday, under the hot sun and in high spirits, everyone played, laughed, danced, ate and drank. Although in reality the organizers were worried because they had only one juice per child and it seemed that they would not have enough to go around. Nevertheless, in the end the day was a success.
They also enjoyed breaking into teams and games of soccer. Due to the fitting open space an enjoyable game of tug-of-war was able to be played perfectly even allowing for the players to fall without hurting themselves.
It is important to emphasize that this event was also the farewell of Egyptian volunteer, Salma Khattab who had been working with CODENI full-time for 4 months. Salma was always active and willing to help with anything that was asked of her. We thank Salma for being part of this important work.